Monday, October 6, 2008

smoking thru the charcoal fire

I pour a teaspoon
add a fistfull , show a flicker
of a flame

my body curves
the limbs twine
around the charcoal smoke

I put a finger
on my lips
I spit a little on my thumb
I curse a wish

The fish turns its fins and

my stomach heaves in hunger
passed on by ancestors
who hunted bison
and plucked at roots
and caught fishes thru the spear

The fish turns and says
smoking thru the charcoal fire
I am that
and I am that quencher
that lives on
across the universe


आस्तीन का अजगर said...

nice work. why so few?

tangerine toes said...

because it is just the beginning of the end .. as always..